Friday, September 17, 2010

Don't freak out, don't strike out

T-minus "Holy crap, I'm leaving tomorrow".

For the most part, the bags are packed and the house is clean. I've still got a few things to pick up and tuck away before I go, but for right now it seems like things are in pretty good shape. It still hasn't sunk in that that giant, four-week-long purple blob on my Outlook calendar is actually upon me and drawing me into this adventure.

Over the past few weeks, I've been given a lot of support and well-wishes for the trip, which I greatly, greatly appreciate. Two days of travel aren't really something to look forward to, not to mention leaving the creature comforts that we've built up over the years in our home.

But that's been one of the better parts of the timing of this - it comes at a time when Meagan has been gone for a month. Now, don't get me wrong, I've really enjoyed having the house to myself. I've been able to nerd out a little more than usual by finally rolling through Firefly and Serenity, as well as hosting a couple of D&D game nights which Meagan is half-sarcastically loath to admit happened in her house.

No, the advantage of going on the second half of Meagan's trip is that it takes the "leaving" aspect of the trip behind. Granted, I've had to prepare for a scheduled departure and help prep the house for an extended vacancy, but this feels much more like I'm coming back than I'm going over. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it takes the sting out of leaving, and while I will very much miss all of you fine folk back in the States, through all of the stories and already feeling like I know some of the folks that I'll be meeting there for the first time, this almost feel like I'm headed home.

My only goals for this visit are to see whatever I can, learn whatever I can, and do whatever I can. I only have a slight idea of what to expect, but even that idea isn't reliable, as I'm sure that within that idea I'm mixing in trappings of my own everyday life that will be absent during my time in Eldoret. I know that I can't see everything there, I can't learn all about Kenyans, their culture, and uncover solutions while I'm there, and I certainly can't make everything better by the time that we head out.

But I can witness a world I've yet to see.
But I can learn from others that I've yet to meet.
But I can lend a hand in place that needs so much.

And I can share all of this with you through these ramblings that you've all been patient enough to read through. I'm hoping to post a few times a week and may even have some pictures and videos included with a few of the posts.

But right this second, I'm thinking about bag counts and airplane seats; about connections and terminal changes; about customs and visas. But once I'm through all of that, I'll be there - and that's not nearly as scary a thought as I once feared it would be.

After all, I won't be alone. Friends are there, too.

See you soon.


  1. Love you and Meagan, Mike!! and especially love reading about your experiences. Have a wonderful time! Hugs from the McFamily!

  2. Great post, babe! I can't wait to see you!

  3. looking forward to your reporting, Mike!
    Bravo for you!! "Ma" Haynes
